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How do I update my billing information?

Learn how to manage your subscription

In this article:

The Stark Dashboard shows the Billing & Subscription page, with the option to update the users payment method.

To follow any of the steps below, first sign into your Stark account and navigate to the Billing & Subscription tab. This page in your Stark dashboard has all your billing information in one place.

Switching billing cycles

When it comes to your billing cycle, there’s no need to be locked into one plan. Switch between Monthy and Yearly with ease!

The Stripe billing portal showing subscription details and the option to update your plan

To get started, click Change plan from the Subscription card in your Stark account.

Here’s how to change your billing cycle:

  1. Click Update plan from the Stripe Billing page
  2. On the following page, select your preferred billing cycle and then click Continue
  3. Review your changes and then click Confirm
The Stripe billing portal showing the subscription billing cycle change workflow

You did it! If you switched from Yearly to Monthly, your account will be credited the remaining amount, which will be applied to upcoming payments.

As stated on the Pricing page before purchase, subscriptions with Stark auto-renew monthly or annually, according to whichever you choose.

Adding or removing a payment method

Have an expired card listed on your profile? Let’s get that sorted! To get started, click Update from the Payment method card.

The Stripe billing portal showing the add payment method workflow

Click Add payment method. Before you can remove a card, you need to add an alternative payment method.

  1. Add in your card information
  2. (If you’re replacing a card, select Use as default payment method)
  3. Click Add

You can then remove an existing card by clicking the three dots to the right of the card.

The Stripe billing portal showing a warning popup that reads 'Delete payment method; this will permanently delete your payment method.'

Changing billing information

Changing your billing information is quick and easy. To reach the billing page, click Update from the Payment method card in your Stark dashboard.

The Stripe billing portal showing the form to update your billing information

Under the Billing Information section, click Update information and then add or update the fields as needed. Save the changes, and you’re done!

Viewing past invoices

Looking to share a past invoice with your manager for reimbursement purposes?

The Stripe billing portal showing an example Stark invoice

From the Subscription page, click View invoices. At the bottom of the Billing page, you can see your billing history. Opening any invoices will give you options to view the invoice details and download the invoice as a PDF.

Updating your subscription and billing information should be painless, but if something goes wrong, please reach out to us at

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