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Using SSO with Stark

Signing into Stark with single sign-on (SSO)

If your team uses SSO (single sign-on) and has enabled it for your Stark Team plan, you’ll need to use the Continue with SSO button at sign up or sign in.

A window instructs the user to enter their company email address in order to continue.

Enter your company email address, and you’ll be directed to your SSO provider. If your company doesn’t have SSO set up for Stark, you’ll receive an error message.

If you think you received an error message my accident, be sure to reach out to your IT admin.

Signing into the plugin with SSO

A window in Stark shows multiple options for signing in, including continuing with Google, Apple, SSO, and a field to enter your email or username.

After clicking Continue with SSO, a page will open in your browser with a field for you to enter your company email address. You’ll then be directed to your SSO provider where you can sign in.

A window displays confirmation that the user is signed in with their SSO identity provider and that they are ready to pick up where they left off.

Once you're signed in, return to your design tool.

Setting up SSO for your Team plan

Would you like to use SSO for your Team plan? Reach out to to start the process.
The Stark Dashboard displays the Manage Team page, providing the option to set up the connection to your teams SSO identity provider.

If you’ve added on SSO for your Team plan, you’ll be prompted to connect your SSO identity provider with Stark when you first access your Team dashboard.

The WorkOS admin panel. A variety of popular SSO providers are shown as options.

The Set up connection button will bring you to the WorkOS admin panel. WorkOS is our SSO integration provider and will facilitate the connection for you. Select your identity provider from the list and WorkOS will instruct you through the rest of the process.

The Stark Dashboard displays the Team Settings page, including a field for updating the team name and a section to manage the team's connection to its SSO identity provider.

Once you’ve connected your identity provider, you can manage the connection by going to Team Settings in the sidebar of your Team account in Stark. Click the three-dot icon next to your identity provider and choose Manage connection from the dropdown menu.

If you're having an issue with SSO, reach out to your IT admin. If you yourself are the admin, please reach out to

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