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Verifying your account

And what to do if the email doesn't arrive

After creating your account, you’ll be taken to your Dashboard . From here you can upgrade to Premium (if you haven’t already), download the Stark, access community channels, manage your settings, and more.

But before ygetting started, you’ll need to verify your email.

Why, you ask?

  • It lets us know that the email address you entered when you signed up is typo-free, and definitely belongs to you.
  • Security measures! Verifying helps to prevent someone from using a Stark account with an email that doesn't belong to them.

And by then, you should have already received the verification email from Stark. Follow the link in the body of the email and then you can fully enjoy the perks that come with a Stark account!

Screenshot of the verification email sent from Stark

If you’re having trouble locating the email, be sure to check your spam/junk folder.

The link is only available for 48 hours, so if that timeframe has passed, you’ll need to request a new one from your Stark account.

I didn't receive my verification email

You've double-checked that you entered the right email address and you've checked your spam folder. What next?

If you haven't already, request a new verification email by clicking the link in the banner. And if that one doesn't arrive, try once more—third time's the charm (hopefully!).

If you created your Stark account with Google oAuth (aka you clicked Sign up with Google) or your team uses SSO (single sign-on), you will automatically be verified, and therefore, not receive a verification email.

If you still haven't received a verification email, message us at with your account details, and we'll get it all sorted for you. You can also reach out via our support messenger in the lower right corner of this page.

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