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How do I cancel my subscription?

Cancelling your subscription via your web account

A window is shown on the Stark Dashboard with buttons to cancel a subscription, or to close the window. The window explains that cancelling will downgrade the user to a Free plan with limited access to Stark's features.

Though we’re sad to see you go, we hope the process of cancelling your subscription is super easy. You can follow the steps outlined below to cancel your subscription:

  1. Sign into your Stark account 
  2. Click Billing & Subscription from the left menu.
  3. Scroll down to Cancel Subscription
  4. Choose Cancel

Once you cancel your plan, this will remove any access to your plan’s PRO features within Stark at the end of the subscription period, and revert you to the Free plan.

If you’re having trouble finding that button or something isn’t working just right, don’t hesitate to contact us at with your subscription details so we can cancel your subscription manually.

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